
I know you love horses

Well i made this long before i fell in love with you but i know you love horses so i decided to post this one just for you. Maybe someday i will draw a better one cause this is kind of a crappy drawing. I <3 U

I think i have postyed one similar before

Well i have been away for a few days, its X-mas and i haven't post anything or made anything new. Anyway i hope you all had a good x-mas and lots of gifts, health and love.


Listening to rock

I was listening one of those rock bands you showed me and i tried to draw a rockstar, didnt come ou as good as i hoped anyway.

Staring at the sun

I haven't been drawing anything about you lately maybe cause i am happy that we are friends again. Being close to you again leaves me so happy i was affraid i had lost you forever.



I decided to post this one just to remenber how the heat feels good... It's freesing cold here and i can barely feel my fingers i am affraid to piss ice cubes xD Hopefuççy the winter will be short this year. Hurray for global warming and summer all year.


Altought i am atheist i love the history of jesus. So i made one a few years back.


This is how i feel

Sad and with no weapons to fight for you... It's true i am no angel but i am good guy and you might bet that i can't get more honest than what i am to you. I will keep dreaming, i don't have any hope but dreaming feeds my soul.


The perspective is all wrong but anyway it was supposed to be me waiting for the bus... and i made it waiting for the bus in my home town.



I need to scan more stuff, i look at all my scaned draws and find hard to choose anything cool :(


I have so many demons ... lol i will just keep posting them


Sometimes i forget to end my drawings

Well in the last few days i have been so happy that i dont even know what shell i post, i just chose a random drawing and post. And if you see this don't think i got any hopes i just love some details in life and sometimes only the look in someones face can make you happy.

Another demon

This the last of my older drawings i scanned from now on all my posr will be of draws with the max of 5 years.



I made this about 2 mounths ago, i was very sad and i had to draw a tear but i tought waste a peace of paer on just a tear and i made a angel inside. I really like the idea but next time i will try to make one with the lent effect of a water container. By the way today was a great day and i am happy xD


I didnt ended this one but now that i see it i found it very creative. I like it xD


Fluffy 2

Another of the drawings i made for the day care center where my mom works but as i said before they chose another drawing from the web. I hate competition xD


Another of my 1st girl drawings. I made this 5 years ago, i am amazed i put the date on this one xD probably i got very happy with the result and thats why i dated it.


Why can't i forget you?

I just wanna be with you. It seems to much to ask for, how long will it take to forget my feelings for you? Maybe forever? I just hope our friendship lasts cause being faraway from you hurts like hell and i honestly hope you to be happy with whoever you choose to be your soulmate.

Dark Side III

Another drawing of my dark side... I start to agree with my friends when i see my old drawings, i have issues for sure. xD



My 1st and only attempt to draw "the" alien. Honestly it's the best creature the movie industrie ever produced its like my deepest horror coming to life. I am a huge fan wish i could draw one better than this but they are so complex and stealth that it's hard to get a decent picture of one to try and draw one.

The 2 things i like the most

Beer and woman, the two things i really like not in this order off course. Maybe I should drink less it would surely help me l,oose the extra 10 pounds i have.


Dream not coming true...

What i want to do every morning.... especially today when i had such a nice dream about you. When i look at the mirror maybe somewhere in a parallel universe there's a happy version of me that has you on his/my side. I dont believe in god as i said but i believe in all weird physics theories.


Well today it's a good day to post this picture. I broke my back helping my dad and i am in so much pain that i decided to share this old drawing. Ah crap i can barely move and its almost night and it's friday.
Guess maybe no beer today.



I was listening M.I.A. from Avenged Sevenfold and i decided to create my own M.I.A. . If you like Rock/Metal you should listen to them, their sounds are great.
It's another good thing you left in my life, some of the bands u showed me are really great, still <3 U.

An old demon

As i said before i used to draw a lot of demons and i really like this one.


Thinking in you...

Well i started this drawing imagining a vampire feeding on a pretty girl neck. But then you are a huge fan of vampires i started thinking in you and i made no blood and no pain or fear in the girls face. It come out a pretty sweet drawing. Anyway i am glad we are still friends and even knowing it's impossible my heart still dreams with yours.


A saw a girl with onde of these tatoo on the back on a pub i used to go and i draw it, the tattoo was a lot nicer but anyway shw was pretty and was time well spended watching her while i tried to copy the tattoo.
I made this about 3 years ago.



You said something like : K why you only draw demons? Why dont you try to make a butterfly? When i finish i showed it to you, you said: It still looks demonic but its better than those demons u always make.
I wonder why i can't draw fluffly and sweet stuff that girls like? Maybe my testosterone and my dark side flow from my fingertips to my pencil and make my drawings  making them agressive even when i try to make them sweet.
Anyway i always did my best to help/for you, pity that isn't enough. Maybe someday you will see what you have lost, cause i see what i am loosing and makes me very sad.

Trying to do some shadows

I made this one a few days ago, i really wish i could do shadows properly that way draws get a 3-D look and look a lot better. Anyway i will keep praticing and i will search the web for some tips i am tired of the bi-dimensional look on my drawings :(


Tribute to Eragon

I am a huge fan of Eragon Saga still need to read last book. I made this drawing after i read the 1st book it is supposed to be Sapphira, Eragon's Dragon.
If you like fantasy and u like reading get the books it's an amazing history and please forget the move cause it suck, thats what happens when u make a 600 pages book in a 90 minutes movie u cut to much and then movie sucks. Can't wait to read the final book.

Dark Elf Female

One of my 1st female drawings inspired in the game i used to play. I am amazed with my skill when i draw a ass maybe too much time observing xD



I get many ideas from videogames i used to play, some come out better others worst but i really like this one. Maybe tomorrow i will post one of my new drawings cause lately i have been only posting some old stuff.

Dark Side II

This was my 1st of many dark side drawings i made. It's a quite simple idea the shadows become the dark side hidden in everyone.


Don't leave me...

Love is such a stupid feeling.... i wish i never loved you, but i do. I hate trying to fall asleep i can't stop thinking in you, thats the time when it hurts the most. 24/7 thinking about you it might take longuer to forget than i imagine.
I have to digitalize my new drawings, i will be back tomorrow.

Skeleton Demon

Just a very old drawing... Lol and just now i noticed that the tail aind bone ...


A tribute to all Freelancers

I play a game called Shaiya, or better i used to play. Well i was the guild leader and founder and we fought hard and we become the best. I know its only a game but being a leader of a army and have the power to do what you want and noone questions you it's uber cool. Everyone hated us, being on top generates a lot of envy from those below you. We were strong we had and still have a lot of team spirit and we bow to noone, our pride in being Freelancers and never kissing GS/GM's ass made us leader of the rebelion, we are the voice of the people.
I <3 all and together we owned the world.

Too much lord of the rngs on my mind

Actually has i said before i was planning to make a comics book just for fun, but now that i look at this draw it really look like a Naz'Gul for LOTR.